A Letter from Pastor Rich
Dear Calvary Heritage Family and Friends,
As we find ourselves in a different season of fellowship this year, I wanted to first share with you a word of encouragement.
The resurrection of our Lord was the emphatic point Jesus made concerning His death. He never phrased it as a question, but rather, affirmed it as the fact of the matter. He would die and He would rise from the dead and live forevermore.
All sacrifices in the Old Testament were pictures from God of the requirements of His Holy and righteous standard to redress the corruption of sin; it brings death, and only a perfect sacrifice as a perfect offering could be the means of atoning for sin.
The animal offering would terminate on the altar of fire and not perpetuate from the ashes of judgment. It could only picture the cost of sin.
There would be only One who could satisfy the requirement of God regarding the penalty of sin and it was God Himself in a substitutionary act of love in which, as the only begotten Son of God, Jesus would lay down His life on behalf of us taking the full measure of fiery wrath upon Himself that we deserved. He became in His perfection
the only acceptable offering that could die for sin on the cross and in three days without corruption or the ash of judgment, ‘ARISE”! Jesus conquered the grave in resurrection and pictured victory over sin and death - of cost and yet priceless reward!
The result you can take to the grave - for it will not hold you. His results you can take to Heaven – for your treasures in Christ are kept for you. All who believe in Jesus need not fear the end, but in faith look forward as Jesus did to New Beginnings of eternal life, to live with Him as He lives presently in Heaven waiting for us.
Let’s be ready! Let’s be waiting! Let’s be fearless! Let us be truly found faithful to our Lord in His soon and coming return!
You are always welcome to email, text or call me. I desire to hear from you!
God bless you! Continue to abide in His love with your eyes fixed on the hope of heaven!
In Grace and Agape,
Pastor Rich Abblitt
Prayer and Praise Chain
Share your Praise Reports and Prayer Requests with the church body on the interactive
comment page on our HOME PAGE or by contacting me personally. I would love to know how God is demonstrating Himself faithful in your life, in your home, and how we can be praying for you!!
Tithe and Offerings
Thank you for your continued faithfulness in the giving of His tithe and your offerings. Visit our web page GIVE page for a listing of different ways to give.
On-Demand Worship and Bible Teachings
Listen to a Sunday evening worship or previously recorded teaching any time on the web site. Use it to design your own family church time. Listen to original songs written by the church family.
Phone Calls and Letter
I would challenge you in this season to pick up the pen and pick up the phone! Purpose to connect with one person outside your home each day, whether it be by letter, by phone call, by text, by email… be creative but be connected! “Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing.” 1 Thes. 5:11
You are always welcome to email, text or call me. I desire to hear from you!
God bless you! Continue to abide in His love with your eyes fixed on the hope of heaven!
In Grace and Agape,
Pastor Rich Abblitt