Rich and Kristi Abblitt, approved ODE home school tester

The State of Oregon requires home schoolers to be tested at the end of their 3rd, 5th, 8th, and 10th grade year.

Additionally, student involved with high school athletics, choir, band, Forensics, or any activity governed by the SOAA need to be tested yearly before August 15th.

You can also have your child tested at any grade 3rd through 12th to monitor their academic progress and build their test-taking skills.

As certified Oregon State ODE testers, we offer the most current TerraNova test. This is also recognized as the CAT, the California Achievement Test. This survey covers Reading/Language Arts and Mathematics.

We also have the TerraNova Test PLUS available for more thorough testing (however, the PLUS is not required by state)

The TerraNova is a standardized test, which not only meets state requirements for home schoolers in Oregon, but will also provide valuable information about the educational level at which your student is working.

Before registering, consider your options:

We have two testing options: Group Testing and Private Testing

Group Testing - May 22, 2025, 9:00 a.m. at Calvary Heritage,

Private Testing - Available at any time. We will contact you to set up an agreeable time.

We also have two tests available: TerraNova Survey and TerraNova Survey Plus.

TerraNova Survey - Taking the TerraNova Survey meets Oregon testing requirements. Approximately 2 ½ hours. $60 for Group Testing, $95 for Private Testing.

TerraNova Survey PLUS - Includes all material from the TerraNova Survey plus the following: Vocabulary, Language Mechanics, Spelling, Mathematics Computation.  These additional scores will be factored in to the total score only if they help improve the overall score. Approximately 4 hours. $95 for Group Testing, $130 for Private Testing.

Feel free to text us if you have any questions!

Rich and Kristi Abbitt