Journal Update 12/28-29 From Rich

It has been my privilege to be with Zachary for my fourth day at Craig Rehabilitation Center, alternating with Kristi who has been with him every day since the Providential event of our son being “Drawn from Water” and given to us as a child, even a baby. The prowess of an athletically built, and stout young man to a paralyzed premature infant carried upon the strength of others at the water’s edge who were appointed to lay God’s hands upon Zach for delivery to his generation.

Several weeks ago, I taught a sermon of God coming from Glory to Infancy. He made Himself helpless, vulnerable, and uniquely availed Himself as One possessing the power of creating the universe and all life, yet choosing to live in humility among humanity and in complete reliance upon the Grace of our Heavenly Father and the charity of parents and community, and select believers, such was Jesus in submission as a baby.

What do I know; that Zachary asked God to glorify Himself in such a way with his temporal earthly life, that whatever it translated itself into, be it consequence of faculty or eloquence of expressed giftings, it was Zachary’s heart of absolute surrender to ask the Lord that his life be an offering. Though I could have presided over his burial, the Lord God chose to bear Zach in completing perfection; from Infancy to Glory.

What do I know; that God’s ear was bent low as if having waited these 18 years to act in Sovereign Grace to bless another true prayer request of such pure utterance it would be contrary to the Lord’s disposition to revoke an opportunity to bless a young man who was willing to become less, to become least, to become nothing, that God might become everything and be the guarantor of His Faithfulness, personally.

What do I know; that everyone wants what Zachary found, Joy in the Spirit and freedom in Christ. Yet, there is a degradation, there is a denigration, there is humiliation, there is a pitiful declination that marks one for such Holy identity and that only one who has the faith of a child could be granted the place of a friendship with God that has no limits linked to body and soul, simply revelation of Jesus in a more perfect spiritual union.

What do I know; that God has allowed Zach to teach me, a teacher, that I know nothing until I choose to know only the deep fellowship of suffering in faithful expectation of a good God doing a good thing and trusting Him for an outcome of good that cannot be seen until my belief marries faith and I become a child again!

What do I know; the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen is the Lord’s story being written regarding the life of Zach who dared to surrender with no apprehension, has no regrets, but just joyous anticipation that God will answer him in whatever he asks for He has pleased the Lord to bring Him glory!

May the Lord bless each one of us in the trials, in the testing, within the fire, and through the waters, Amen!

#zacsHope is Jesus!


Zac gets to keep the brace off now!!


Journal Entry 12/26-27 From Kristi