Journal Update 12/3 From Kristi
The Occupational Therapist was working with Zac today on using a fork to feed himself. He is right handed but his left is stronger than his right. She had a band around his right hand to hold the fork and he was kindly obliging her as he worked to lift his fork to his mouth. Exhausting work right now. But as soon as she left, he let out a happy sigh, ripped off the fork, and began to eat with his fingers. Haha - Much easier for him. Such a little rebel.
My heart seized up a little bit today. “I don’t wanna go through this,” I found myself telling the Lord. Then I heard Him say, “but don’t you want to be a part of the miracles?” “Yes, of course,” I could hear myself replying. “Then,” the Lord said quietly “I need to walk you through the impossible right now.”
This all seems impossible but I’m continually reminded that it is in our weakness and brokenness that He is made strong. If we were not aware of our great need, we would not be so desperate for our Great God.
Rich and I had a fun evening with Zac, playing with workout toys that Rich picked up. The Rocky theme song came on and we all got motivated... I moved Zac's legs and Rich/ Zac worked his upper body. Keeping this boy moving!!
So... Good news: he is more than qualified to get into Craig Hospital, one of the top specialized Acute Neuro rehab in the country. Downside: our insurance is a quagmire of bureaucracy and it could take 2-6 weeks to get him there.
Calling all prayer warriors to intercede for Zac. We need to pray the Lord expedites ALL of this. It is hard to wait when Boot Camp seems like such an outlet now.