Journal Entry 12/1 From Kristi

“God has the final word”. He is the Alpha and the Omega. The Beginning and the End. We appreciate all advice and insight given to us by therapists and nurses. But “God has the final word.” Amen.

Zac was on fire today... motivated and ready for Boot Camp. He seems to laugh at the awkwardness of his limitations and yet press them to the limit. He fed himself today. This is huge!! A fork had to be strapped to his hand because he doesn’t have grip, but this is progress still!!

Rich, Zac, and I hung out in the hospital coffee shop and then he wheeled himself back to his room! This is huge too!! He pinched his finger twice and had to wrap his thumbs around the spokes due to no grip, but progress still!! Remember, God Has the Final Word!

We continue to be encouraged by your personal texts and communications. Thank you!! They bathe our hearts!!!

Zac only gets a few hours of sleep per night but listened to the book of Psalms 3 times and John 1-11 on his Dwell app.

Zac: “I pray for tonight, that it would be restful. That I can be bathed in Your Word. That I can take it to heart. That it would be a time of deep meditation. Thank you for this day... how You continue to bless us... thank you for this entire journey... in Jesus Name, Amen.”


Journal Entry 12/2 From Kristi


Journal Entry 11/30 From Kristi