Journal Entry 12/2 From Kristi

I woke up and cried again today. Then I remembered the verse “I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, counting them rubbish that Christ I might gain. And be found in Him.”

Just when I am overwhelmed for what we have lost, the Lord reaches over and finds me again. And my heart can breathe.

Then I came in to Zac room this morning to see him propped up in bed, feeding himself scrambled eggs with his hands - Muscle Milk spilled over on his tray, but a huge grin on his face “Welcome to chow Hall!” he laughs. Made. my. Day.

He said he had the best rest yet, listening to Scripture all night long. Said he dreamt for the first time too... dreamt he went to a Trump rally. Haha.


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Journal Entry 12/1 From Kristi