Journal Entry 3/14 From Kristi

Truly, “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet...” God continues to provide placement for our feet, step by step, even though the path ahead does not seem well lit. What seems to be a speed bump to us is nothing to God. The doors are openings, not in advance, but just at the moment we need them to.

The saga with insurance continues, but we have been granted an additional two more weeks of rehab which allows us to remain here at Craig Outpatient Rehab until the beginning of April, at minimum. We are totally fine with one step at a time for insurance; it puts our complete dependence on the Lord. Such is the parallel with Zac. One step at a time, Lord, for Zac too!! We are cheering You on!!

Therapy this week has been super intense. His team is always chatting among themselves as they work with Zac, laughing and happy but also extremely focused on Zac; “it’s as if they all share the same brain” Zac joked. He started the week by standing (with assistance from the waist down) for 6 seconds. By the end of the week, he was able to stand for 90 seconds. He is getting his core back little by little!

He is exhausted in the evenings. Three hours of Outpatient therapy equals six Inpatient. But it’s a good exhaustion.

We’ve had a major snowstorm hit this weekend so all Sunday classes were canceled. We are super thankful for our cozy apartment. We have even experimented with him sitting on the couch. He was able to do an independent transfer to the couch; I helped him back up out of it. He said it felt so “normal” to chill on the couch. He loved it. And of course, a cup of coffee and a blanket made it even better.

He spent the evening last night doing a Zoom interview with his Uncle Kevin who asked him questions people have been asking us to ask him. Again, if there was one word to describe the conversation, I would say, “joy”. Zac’s joy is evident in every conversation he has, especially as he looks back at what God has done in his life. The interview will be made into a second video about his time here. Soon to come.

Pray for Zac’s hands. They are tightening up and it is becoming a bit more difficult for him to pick things up. He doesn’t complain. But I watched him struggle to pick up his cup of communion during on-line church today and I had to come to assist him. Nevertheless, his heart is steadfast and he takes it at face value. He is living one day at a time, not overwhelmed by the future.

It was such a sweet, sweet week with Rich here. He left on Friday and Spencer arrives tomorrow. We can’t wait!


Journal Entry 3/19 From Kristi


Journal Entry 3/9 From Kristi